Saturday, July 26, 2008

Natural Hair Color Tips

Women have been colouring their hair for decades, but recently a new trend has emerged - the return to their natural hair colour. Also known as 'virgin' hair, your natural hair colour is likely to be the most flattering for your face, as well as being extra shiny from not being tortured with hair colourants. It takes years to grow out hair colour damage, but when you do, you will notice the difference in your hair's feel and appearance.

Unless you're going grey, there's no reason why you can't return to your natural colour. Cut as much off as you can stand and make the commitment to yourself not to colour it again in an impulsive moment. It won't look its best for a while, and if you're growing out blonde hair it may look downright ugly - if this is the case, keep dying the lengths of your hair while leaving the roots alone. Take hair vitamins to speed up the growth process, and have the dyed hair trimmed every three to six months. It'll look healthier with every trim, and by the time you have more natural hair than coloured hair, the growth line will be far less noticeable.

And once all that hair has grown out and landed on the salon floor, you'll have easy-to-manage, shiny hair that suits your face and features perfectly. You'll also save a lot of money, while staying on trend.

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